Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Monday, 29 November 2010

Evaluation of rough cut to final cut

in the beginning we wasn't really sure on what song to base the music video on and this took alot of time but we ended up choosing 'run' in the end because we thought it would be diffrent.

we had a few problems in our rough cut such us lip syncing, we managed to over come this problem by editing it to the beat.

also we had a few problems with filming because the weather was very bad so we had to end up doing a whole scene in a short space of time but as a team we managed to do this.

in our pitch we wrote that the girl character would be wearing white to symbolises purity but as we started to film we decided this would be a bad idea as the girl in our video isnt really shown as its ment to reamin a mystery.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

[Task 21] Analysing One Sequence from the Rough Cut - Mehmet Tarhan

Having completed our rough version of Run, we received some well-structured criticisms about the video and ideas on how we could improve it even more. We were told that there shouldn't be too much difference from our rough cut and our final product, and we thought about ways we would change the video in a subtle manner, without ripping apart too much from our original storyline. We thought about changing the order of the shots, and we thought about how it would make the story much clearer. For me, the biggest sequence and most important sequence would be our final one, the final verse. This is crucially where we first and last see the girl that our artist is talking about, it was paramount that we nailed this. Making it clear that the girl is infact whom the artist has been signing about for the last few minutes, and making sure that the audience don't think that she is a random character, was the main idea to get across.

We firstly changed the brief shot of the girl, played by Tanzila, from colour to black and white, this added a picturequse feel to it, and it made me feel as though the shot of her eyes were a fading memory, and that is exactly what we wanted. We then added a shot of her walking towards a cab, again, we didn't want to show her fully because we want her to be mysterious and want to make the audience themselves think about whom it may be, or what sort of personality they may have, without us directly telling them. This I think was a good shot to add, because it shows that she is leaving someone, and then we see another added on shot of our artist breifly looking into the cab, while Tanzila closes the window on him. I think it shows that the girl doesn't want to be involved with our artist any longer, and so was a good addition. Our last addition was the shot of our artist walking away from the camera at the end, it was good because we saw that he is on his own now, walking away and leaving the previous events behind him.

Another key point of interest was our lip syncing, we received a fair amount of critism there, and we set about fixing the minor issues in our first verse, and some in the third.

I think we managed to execute our plan, and managed to do so subtly, and I believe that the finished product is undoubtedly even better than the rough cut, because we acted on the issues that needed fixing for it not to be a good piece of work, but for it to be a great one.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

[Task 19] Feedback from Rough Cut - Mehmet Tarhan

We presented our initial rough cut to the class, and the feedback we received was appreciated and we were very happy to have finished after a very busy period for us.

Firstly, because we had been under time constraints after a rather slow start to the filming process with slight problems in casting, and then even more so after weather disruption forced us to cancel up to 4 hours of filming time. However we still managed to put it all together, with some time to spare even!

Secondly, the feedback we received highlighted some issues in our lip syncing that was not obvious to us. I think it was great to showcase our work, because 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions really helped improve our work, because we may have been too lenient seeing as though it was own work, which could of brought our standard of work down.

Finally, the overall criticisms were not on anything major that we needed to re-film, they were thankfully on small issues, like order of shots, or length of shots.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Rough cut Feedback + Analysis - BEKTAS

(Rough cut video in seperate post)

The group's initial reactions of the rough cut were slightly negative, the potential of our footage to be a great music video was there, with which our teacher and the rest of the class agreeing to this, but the editing definitely has be executed and improved for the video to fulfil it's full potential in the final cut of the video in my opinion.

The reason for the slightly 'off' editing was probably because of our time constraints. As we had not been able to film our last shots of the sequence due to weather restrictions on previous filming days, we had to get our footage on the day the rough cut was due to been screened to our teacher and to the rest of the class. This was the major reason of the 'rushed' looking editing. However, although the rough cut was fast tracked a good video still emerged. Lip-syncing was a little off in some areas, but it will most definitely be priority in the editing lessons we have left until the final cut video. We also found that the cuts in the video could be better placed in some sections of the video, the longer cuts have to be shortened, as it seems they drag and slow the pace of the video. Also, shot transitions, such as cross and additive dissolves need to be incorporated more into the video.

A specific area, or section of the video I want to look at is the lip-syncing. Throughout the second verse in the park some shots seem to be out of sync with the soundtrack, which will most definitely have to be addressed in order to gain a higher mark. Seeing as that re-shooting the sequence is now unavailable we have to try perfect the lip-syncing with the art of editing. One possibility and answer may be to slow or speed up the shots in question which are out of sync, in order to bring them in sync with the soundtrack.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Vladimir Propp - BEKTAS [Research]

Vladimir Propp was a formalist who analysed elements in a narrative.
Propp's theory was initially compiled to be applied to Russian folk tales. However over the years many researchers have found that Propp's theories could be applied to other narrative structures, such as in the medium of a music video.

Propp's character theory is intriguing, he looked very deeply in character types and how these worked in pieces of work he analysed. Propp came to a conclusion that there were eight character groups in which all characters in a narrative would be categorised in some way. These are:
  • The villain - the anti-hero, an antagonist to the narrative.
  • The donor - helps the hero in some way, provides the hero with a significant object.
  • The magical helper - Aids the hero in his/her adventures.
  • The desired prize or princess - the hero deserves this throughout the narrative, but is unable to because of the anti-hero.
  • Her father - the 'father' can have 3 different roles in a narrative. There are challenging the hero, identifying the false hero and marrying the hero. Propp himself stated that the princess and father roles may be indistinguishable when applied to a narrative.
  • The dispatcher - reminds the hero of his quest and sends him on his way.
  • The hero - Weds the princess, listens to the donor and accepts the challenge.
  • The false hero - claims the real hero's merit and tries to hijack the quest.
When researching a music video which can be applied to this theory I came across Taylor Swift's "you belong with me". The video includes 3/4 of Propp's character ranges shown below.

The Hero
The Villain & Antagonist
The Princess

Monday, 1 November 2010

Review of research & planning blog activity tasks

Hello Group 19

Congratulations to Bektas for a mostly up to date blog. Tanzila, there is still a lot of work to do - you mostly need to finish off posts and include images / embed videos etc... Mehmet and Tahid, you are VERY BEHIND.  Your blog is worth 20 marks so requires effort and maintenance, you have put so much detail into the planning of your production and your pitch but your blogs don't reflect this, which is a real pity.

Please see below for the work that you need to catch up on - what you are missing in general as a group and what each of you needs to do indiviudally.

General Summary
·         Bektas has done a lot of work and is up to date except for some tasks that none of the group have completed.
·         Mehmet & Tahid are VERY BEHIND with a lot of work to catch up on, mostly from the research stages.
Whole group needs to include the following:
·         Animatic
·         Propp – review of theory & application of theory to a music video (this is an individual tasks that you all need to do)
·         Letter from record label confirming copyright clearance
·         Test shots for lighting / mise en scene

·         Analysis of music videos relating to 4 concepts
·         Summary of Goodwin’s theory
·         Examples of videos that have illustration, amplification, disjuncture narrative
·         Review of previous student video
·         Reflection on lip synch tutorial with images & embedded video
·         Final song choice with link to video & explanation for use
·         Up to date (except for ‘whole group’ tasks that need completing)

·         Analysis of pop video relating to 4 key concepts
·         Examples of videos that have illustration, amplification, disjuncture narrative
·         Review of previous student video
·         Reflection on lip synch tutorial with images & embedded video
·         Final song choice with link to video & explanation for use
·         Previous student video
·         Lip synch exercise – almost complete but need to include photos and embed video
·         Final song choice with video & explanation for use

Final song choice

For our final song choice we decides to do RUN by Snow patrol.
we thought this would be a good song choice because it's not to everyones taste and we wanted to be different.

Audience task

Male && Female
White- British

Students-looking for a job

Diet-->> fish && chips, unhealthy foods, rarely any fruit or salad

Spare time--> Jogging, mostly at home on there PC social networking[facebook/twitter], watching music videos on youtube and going cinemas with friends.

Books/ newspapers/magazines----> Metro & Evening standard.
Short list and rolling stones.

Transport--> Public but sometimes bike and car.

Gadgets-->Game consoles [ps3], smartphones, pc's and ipods.

Topman/river island/h&m

Drink-->energy drinks

Holidays--> within europe.

Taste on music--> indie/ slow songs[cold play/arctic monkeys]

Reformers with aspiration!
