Having completed our rough version of Run, we received some well-structured criticisms about the video and ideas on how we could improve it even more. We were told that there shouldn't be too much difference from our rough cut and our final product, and we thought about ways we would change the video in a subtle manner, without ripping apart too much from our original storyline. We thought about changing the order of the shots, and we thought about how it would make the story much clearer. For me, the biggest sequence and most important sequence would be our final one, the final verse. This is crucially where we first and last see the girl that our artist is talking about, it was paramount that we nailed this. Making it clear that the girl is infact whom the artist has been signing about for the last few minutes, and making sure that the audience don't think that she is a random character, was the main idea to get across.
We firstly changed the brief shot of the girl, played by Tanzila, from colour to black and white, this added a picturequse feel to it, and it made me feel as though the shot of her eyes were a fading memory, and that is exactly what we wanted. We then added a shot of her walking towards a cab, again, we didn't want to show her fully because we want her to be mysterious and want to make the audience themselves think about whom it may be, or what sort of personality they may have, without us directly telling them. This I think was a good shot to add, because it shows that she is leaving someone, and then we see another added on shot of our artist breifly looking into the cab, while Tanzila closes the window on him. I think it shows that the girl doesn't want to be involved with our artist any longer, and so was a good addition. Our last addition was the shot of our artist walking away from the camera at the end, it was good because we saw that he is on his own now, walking away and leaving the previous events behind him.
Another key point of interest was our lip syncing, we received a fair amount of critism there, and we set about fixing the minor issues in our first verse, and some in the third.
I think we managed to execute our plan, and managed to do so subtly, and I believe that the finished product is undoubtedly even better than the rough cut, because we acted on the issues that needed fixing for it not to be a good piece of work, but for it to be a great one.
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