Saturday, 20 November 2010

[Task 19] Feedback from Rough Cut - Mehmet Tarhan

We presented our initial rough cut to the class, and the feedback we received was appreciated and we were very happy to have finished after a very busy period for us.

Firstly, because we had been under time constraints after a rather slow start to the filming process with slight problems in casting, and then even more so after weather disruption forced us to cancel up to 4 hours of filming time. However we still managed to put it all together, with some time to spare even!

Secondly, the feedback we received highlighted some issues in our lip syncing that was not obvious to us. I think it was great to showcase our work, because 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions really helped improve our work, because we may have been too lenient seeing as though it was own work, which could of brought our standard of work down.

Finally, the overall criticisms were not on anything major that we needed to re-film, they were thankfully on small issues, like order of shots, or length of shots.

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