Wednesday, 1 December 2010

[Task 25] Shortlist of Fonts, Colours, Design Ideas for Digipak

The digipak is meant to market and sell our artist as well as album, and we must incorporate a variety of features to make it stand out to the public, and our audience.

The fonts I will be using for my album cover will be bold, and clear texts. Specifically a mix of Eras Bold ITC for my 'thank you' messages in the inside panels, and for various pieces of writing on the actual CD inside the album.
For my websites details, and reviews as well as awards/nominations section, I will use Eras Demi ITC. The difference in the two are very subtly, but I do not want there to be a major difference in the fonts I use for my writing, because I want to maintain a similar house style throughout my fonts, and writing. But I decided to use Eras Demi for my website information because I did not want it to look the same as my track listing font, Eras Bold.  The last font I used was called Agency FB, this was used for my album name on the front cover. I wanted it to be striking, and different, so I choose this instead of the other two, but with the point of keeping my house style the same, I only used it once.

Font rundown:
Agency FB Bold
Eras Demi ITC
Eras Bold ITC

Most of the colours I used were white, because my background art and pictures had a tint of green, brown, natural colours from the trees and grass were we got our pictures from, I thought that it stood out well. I put on a background colour of black on the fonts. I tried to create a rather dark atmosphere inside the album, with the shadows of the trees, and then a few rays of sunshine coming in, I thought it was very artistic and it looked great. My colour palette was dark/grey midtones for inside, and light/white tones for the outside, with the exception of the title.

The images I used were open spaces of the park and river, I thought it worked well throughout and, the image I put on infront of it was shot at seperately. I wanted to show the artists face, because that is who we were selling to the audience, so it was important they got to knew the artist before I told them about the facts, and website/record label information at the back.

Colour rundown:
Greens/Browns. Natural earthy colours.
Grey, Black, White. 

I aim to produce a 4 panel digipak. I think this is best option because I will have space to put a thank you message in the inside panel.
The out panels will be composed of a picture of a wide longshot of the park in the video 'Run'. Its a good background to use, and I will be putting on a picture of the artist in the front.
For the inside cover, I will use a picture of a walking path in a canal. No one other than the artist will be in images, its meant to symbolise that the singer is alone, because his music also have a tone of loneliness and sadness about him.

Design rundown:
4 Panels (2 inside, 2 outside).
Artist in images only.

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