Friday, 1 October 2010

[Task 6 Part 2] Applying Propp's Theory - Mehmet Tarhan

Finding a music video that incorporates all members of the character theory developed by Propp is difficult in the music video environment, as the theory was developed from folk tales, and is conventionally associated with movies, but I believe this video makes use of at least 3 important members of the theory. Arguably the most important. They are the Hero, Princess/Prize, Villain. 

The music video is, amply, Hero - by Enrique Iglesias. 

The Hero - Enrique Iglesias. He is desperately in love with the Princess, the girl in the video. He wants to be together with her, and the video suggests they have a bright future, he tries to win her over in a fight. He fails, but in the end, we see them together again as he passes away. 

The Villain - The dark-suited figure, whom the Hero fights with over a quarrel, gets his revenge, and his resources are many henchmen. 

The Princess - Woman dressed in white, wants to be with the Hero.

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