Friday, 21 January 2011

Evaluation Question 3

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

This whole process was contructed by using high tech technology which allowed us to produce at the highest standard. High quality camera's by the make 'JVC' were used to carry out our tasks in creating our music video. Large capacity memory cards allowed us to record masses of footage with out having to backup on other hardware devices then erase from the memory card device. Batteries with long lasting battery lifes were also very helpful in keeping us on top of the task as they allowed us to record upto 5 hours without having to recharge the video cameras.

Adobe Photoshop was my favourite program which has diverse effects which give a great impact on images if you have a good knowledge on using the program.

Final cut pro was another program which was used to produce our music videos. i gained knowledge on using final cut pro in my AS year which was then developed as i worked on it in my A2 year.

Research was carried out by using media streaming websites such as Youtube, Vimeo and Search egines like Google. Youtube played a big part in our research as we used this mostly to view videos of other music videos to gain more knowledge. Youtube has billions of videos, which are uploaded by fans, record companies and artists themselves.

Planning this project was done by creating a powerpoint presentation then presented to the class which helped us gain help on improving our plans.

Evaluation was done by using blogger.

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisment)?
I believe my music video has a clear strong link with my digipak and advert, this has been done using images from my music video on the digipak which contains the artist, and also the mise en scene and lighting is similar.

Here is my digipak and advert which both use elements of images that have strong links to my music video. i think i have successfully created the advert to sell as it has a clear recognisable image of the artist and important information such as, artist name, album name, release dat, biggest hit single, stores which it is sold in, uk tour areas etc.

i think my target audience of ages 18-25 will be attracted the contrast and context of my digipak and advert suit the age group in.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Evaluation- Question 4- Tanzila Huda

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

During the class analysis of the videos we received comments such as :
'Nicely shot but needs to be edited more'
'Good story line but needs a twist'
'Good use of camera shots '

after receiving these comments we thought hard about how to make it better for the audience to like it so we used the comments to motivate us to make it better, we did this by changing the story a bit by ending it at a sort of emotional climax and not a happy ending, we also edited certain shots so instead of colour they were in black and white to empathise memories.
we thought that this would work well because in reality not all love stories have happy endings and maybe the audience could relate to the story because what they've personally experienced.

After watching our video in the cinema our audience clapped and cheered which implied that they enjoyed it a lot, i say this because while watching our video the audience were quiet which means our changed that we made interested them in the storyline of the music video.

However i think that of we had more time we could have added more edits and there could have been a more better ending then what there is already, because our video portrays the girl character as 'heartless' but i think we could have changed this and showed her feelings at the end, maybe then the girls in the audience will be able to relate to it more.

While making the video i've learnt that audiences feedback is the most important thing because you have to sell your product to them you have to do this by making them see what they want to see.
looking at my products now i think that at the beginning when we started on the video we should've taken audience feedback more seriously because i regret that i couldn't make it better now.

the main thing i've learnt through this whole experience is without your audience your nothing.


Evaluation- Question 3- Tanzila Huda

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I constructed this project with the use of media technology such as :

  • Brand new state of the art cameras that use memory cards for filming my video and taking still images for the blogs and also to use for my Advert and Digipak, using memory cards were an advantage because it had a lot of space to store film footage and we didn't have a problem filming because of this. 

  • Internet which i used for research, such as websites such as Youtube to search different videos, Google for researching also Blogger which i used for my research, planning &evaluation.

  • Photoshop to create my digipak and advert designs.I then imported my digipak on to the template digipak panel in Quark express, Quark express is known for its variety of texts however i created my texts on Photoshop instead because i was more familiar with photoshop.

above is a screen shot while i was using Photoshop to crop an image for my digipak.

  • I also used Final Cut Pro to edit my video, such as adding fades, cropping it and adding the soundtrack and making sure the lip syncs correct.

  • Our group didn't have time to make an animatic or a digital storyboard because too much time was wasted deciding the storyline of our video, so we took pictures of our initial story boards which we drew out and uploaded it Blogger.

Evaluation-Question 2- Tanzila Huda

How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisment)?

<<Advert with graphical effects
 <<Digipak with graphical effects

Many artists/bands choose to use graphical effects on their digipaks and adverts instead of images of themselves such as the image and digipak above, as i was researching digpaks and adverts i came across many of these,

<<Digipak that uses graphical effects also images of the artists.
<<Advert that uses images of the band members

 but the ones that caught my attention were the digpaks and adverts that used a selection images of the artists/band, i liked these particularly because i thought by doing this the audience could link to the video in a blink of an eye, this inspired me to use images of my artist on the front and back panels of my digipak also my advert.

I think the combination of my video with my advert and digipak works well, as i have put elements of the video itself such as images of the artist and also the misenscene in the digipak and the advert. i have chosen to do this because my audience will easily be able to link the video to the digipak and advert

 My audience are able to recognise that they are linked products because i captured a still from my video of the artist and used this for my front panel of my digipak also for the advert.

I also think my target audience which are 18-28 year olds would be attracted to my digipak and advert becase its not too bright and colourful however it isn't dull either so it suits the age group.

This is the still image from my video

I used the same image for  my advert.

I also used this image for my digipak, because i wanted to create direct visual links for my audience so they can easily recognise the artist.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We were given a task to search through a catalogue of music genres, which we carried out in class as a group and at home individually. Carrying this task out in class as a group proved to be a better option as we gathered more opinions compared it with a wide range of different genres that everyone was interested in. We came to a decision of producing a video of a indie pop/alternative rock genre. 

We also looked at R&B/Hip Hop genres and were planning on using songs from artists like 'Jay Sean' Who created the song 'Tonight'. In the end, the songs we selected was 'The Verve -Bittersweet Symphony' And 'Snow Patrol - Run' But The Song Run By Snow Patrol Was Finalised as the song for our music video which was of a indie pop/alternative genre.

'Coldplay - Fix You' a song of indie pop/alternative genre, was very influential in our production of our music video. The camera work of this video influenced us mostly, it has good shots of the waist and above which we were influenced by and used in our music video. Editing was also influential as they contain some good long clips which we also used

'The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony' was the second video which also influenced us with the plot of a man walking down the street. This is quite difficult to film, The verve video is very fluid and the artist is filmed from lots of different angles. This inspired us as we wanted to film our main artist walking along a  canal and this video gave us ideas on how to do that and make it visually stunning.

We have included same shots as the cold play video which is an extreme long shot. This came across as indie music video conventions so we used it in our own music video. Using Extreme long shots as in this screenshot was very effective.

When creating my digipak, i did research on digipaks, and came across many different styles. at the end i decided to use images from my music video as the front, back, and inside cover of my digipak rather than taking, and using any graphics.

This is my digipak which was inspired by coldplay as images of the artist were used on the front cover. This method is very effective in promotion as it creates a direct link from the music video to the album for example, if the music video was seen on tv, and then was seen in stores, the image will instantly tell the customer that this album is from the music video they viewed on tv.

This is my advert which has a large image of the artist taking up most of the advert with the information beside him. This image is taken from the music video which can help the audience relate.