Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Evaluation-Question 2- Tanzila Huda

How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisment)?

<<Advert with graphical effects
 <<Digipak with graphical effects

Many artists/bands choose to use graphical effects on their digipaks and adverts instead of images of themselves such as the image and digipak above, as i was researching digpaks and adverts i came across many of these,

<<Digipak that uses graphical effects also images of the artists.
<<Advert that uses images of the band members

 but the ones that caught my attention were the digpaks and adverts that used a selection images of the artists/band, i liked these particularly because i thought by doing this the audience could link to the video in a blink of an eye, this inspired me to use images of my artist on the front and back panels of my digipak also my advert.

I think the combination of my video with my advert and digipak works well, as i have put elements of the video itself such as images of the artist and also the misenscene in the digipak and the advert. i have chosen to do this because my audience will easily be able to link the video to the digipak and advert

 My audience are able to recognise that they are linked products because i captured a still from my video of the artist and used this for my front panel of my digipak also for the advert.

I also think my target audience which are 18-28 year olds would be attracted to my digipak and advert becase its not too bright and colourful however it isn't dull either so it suits the age group.

This is the still image from my video

I used the same image for  my advert.

I also used this image for my digipak, because i wanted to create direct visual links for my audience so they can easily recognise the artist.

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