During the class analysis of the videos we received comments such as :
'Nicely shot but needs to be edited more'
'Good story line but needs a twist'
'Good use of camera shots 'after receiving these comments we thought hard about how to make it better for the audience to like it so we used the comments to motivate us to make it better, we did this by changing the story a bit by ending it at a sort of emotional climax and not a happy ending, we also edited certain shots so instead of colour they were in black and white to empathise memories.
we thought that this would work well because in reality not all love stories have happy endings and maybe the audience could relate to the story because what they've personally experienced.
After watching our video in the cinema our audience clapped and cheered which implied that they enjoyed it a lot, i say this because while watching our video the audience were quiet which means our changed that we made interested them in the storyline of the music video.
However i think that of we had more time we could have added more edits and there could have been a more better ending then what there is already, because our video portrays the girl character as 'heartless' but i think we could have changed this and showed her feelings at the end, maybe then the girls in the audience will be able to relate to it more.
While making the video i've learnt that audiences feedback is the most important thing because you have to sell your product to them you have to do this by making them see what they want to see.
looking at my products now i think that at the beginning when we started on the video we should've taken audience feedback more seriously because i regret that i couldn't make it better now.
the main thing i've learnt through this whole experience is without your audience your nothing.
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