Friday, 21 January 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisment)?
I believe my music video has a clear strong link with my digipak and advert, this has been done using images from my music video on the digipak which contains the artist, and also the mise en scene and lighting is similar.

Here is my digipak and advert which both use elements of images that have strong links to my music video. i think i have successfully created the advert to sell as it has a clear recognisable image of the artist and important information such as, artist name, album name, release dat, biggest hit single, stores which it is sold in, uk tour areas etc.

i think my target audience of ages 18-25 will be attracted the contrast and context of my digipak and advert suit the age group in.

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