Wednesday, 29 September 2010

[Task 5] Preliminary Lip Sync Exercise - Mehmet Tarhan

Having picked up the basic know-how on the safest and most effective ways of filming and handling equipment during the production of our thriller, this exercise was a great way to get the feel of filming again after a long break. It was also an exercise where we learnt how to fully make use of the features of final cut, to make sure that what we filmed was perfectly in sync with the original soundtrack.   

Our group was given the song La Freak. I thought it was quite a disco/funky type of track, and so we tried to make our video for it quirky. One part that I believe worked best was where Tanzilla was sitting on the chair and we circled hair many times, it was quite the challenge to film, but it went with the feel and tone of the music we were given. 

The main feature of final cut we exploited was the marker feature. We would simply ‘mark’ out where the lyrics began in a song and list all the shots and angles we filmed, with the singer singing those lyrics, and placed them on top of each other in final cut. We then deleted some layers and re-arranged the order of the layers to show different angles we filmed, while keeping it perfectly synced. 

Placing the layers, and cutting them to shorten them were skills we learnt the year before, and they still came in handy. However, the tool that will be most used by us this year, will most likely be the marker tool. Its accuracy and ease of use make it the fastest and most useful tool to make a music video with. 

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