Monday, 10 January 2011

The Evaluation - Part II - BEKTAS

How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisement).

Successful music videos and albums usually more than likely create and have very clear visual, artistic or graphical links with it's promotional campaign, such as a print magazine advert and a digipak/cd cover. We had to produce a digipak and print advert along with our music video as ancillary products.

In my opinion the products that I created (below) are very effective in promoting and campaigning our music video and album. A visual link and connection which is instantly noticeable in both products is the images. All images are photos which were taken on location of the music video, and instantly give the audience a sense of familiarity (images below). The audience would instantly attach the music video to the advert and digipak, thus creating a connection which is an effective method of marketing.

Image From Video - Advert

I also used this method of using an image from the location of the music video on my advert and digipak design. Which creates a connection and relates all three products (Music video, advert & digipak). The image, obviously has been manipulated with colours being changed, brightness and contrast being increased or decreased with the use of photoshop, which is evident in the images above. The striking, seemingly dark image with the dark backgrounds, absolutely makes my ancillary products seem like indie-rock products and the audience would recognise this also. As I was researching indie genre adverts and digipaks, I noticed the majority of them had a black based background, with then all other conventions coming on top. I applied this to my products as it was a niche indie convention, because it would attract my target audience (indie fans) as represented in the audience research task (shown on the right).

Overall I believe the extent of effectiveness between my ancillary products and the music video is very high.This is because my digipak and advert's main colour palette is dark, and has a sense of sorrow which is the thematic undertone of our music video. Our artist feels melancholic because of a lost love, and the 'pain' of  remembering the happy memories which once were.

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